I’m really pleased to support Claire Hazelgrove. She’s a relentless campaigner, always out knocking on doors, lobbying me about buses and standing up for the community. I also know she is passionate about our NHS and a champion for animal welfare, a cause close to my heart too. Importantly she’s got the national experience and know-how to get straight down to work as Labour MP for Filton and Bradley Stoke. Being an MP also needs empathy and understanding. Claire cares and her compassion shines through.

I know how tough it is to take a seat from the Tories. You need a great team of campaigners and a candidate who will put everything into it.
I've known Claire Hazelgrove for years and she’s already shown that she has what it takes to win.
I have no doubt that Claire will do you and our party proud and lead a campaign that secures the vital Labour gain we need in Filton and Bradley Stoke.

Claire has a feel for campaigning. She really listens to what people want to say and can connect with ordinary people on the doorstep. She could do this big time in a General Election. On top of her personality, she’s got skills that are going to make her win. We need an MP who does something and Claire’s not going to be invisible in the House of Commons.

I’m backing Claire because I think we need an MP who is visible in the area. Claire’s local, she’s out listening to people in this area every chance she gets, and I know she will fight for what they need.

Claire Hazelgrove is incredibly committed to what she does for the Labour Party. She has been knocking doors and talking to people here for a long time. She’s helped out in so many ways. Because of this I think she’d be an ideal candidate for our CLP. She knows the people here, she’s genuinely committed to what she does and - most of all - she actually cares. Claire has exactly what it takes and I think she should be our candidate for the next election.

Claire is hardworking and very knowledgeable about the Party and the constituency. She is very much a people person and has the same values I do. After 60 years of Labour Party membership - 30 years in this constituency - I’m sure these are the values that the people here would vote for come a General Election.

It’s my pleasure to be supporting Claire Hazelgrove. Claire is very helpful and very kind. She always thinks of her fellow person. She’s a great contrast with our current MP who has backed nearly every wrong decision that the Conservatives have made for the last 12 years. Claire will do anything in her power to help people and we’re very grateful for her.

I’m proud to be supporting my friend Claire to be Labour’s first MP for Filton and Bradley Stoke. Claire will make a great candidate because she is a tough, resilient campaigner who will work day and night to win this seat for Labour. She will build an inclusive, energetic campaign to beat Jack Lopresti and the Tories.
Claire will also make an outstanding MP. She is one of the kindest and most empathetic people I’ve met, who always puts others first. Claire will stand up for the best of our values, give a voice to all communities, and deliver real change.
Claire will also make an outstanding MP. She is one of the kindest and most empathetic people I’ve met, who always puts others first. Claire will stand up for the best of our values, give a voice to all communities, and deliver real change.

I have confidence that Claire is the right person to build on our work from the last 5 years, to be our candidate for Filton and Bradley Stoke and win at the next election.
Claire is a hard worker and she has already demonstrated this in the constituency, whether it’s her work for local charities or her leadership on local campaigns.
Claire and I share a lot of similar values - hard work, commitment and drive to deliver social and environmental justice.
Claire is the right candidate because she is ready to fight and represent FaBS from day one.

Not only is Claire the relentless local campaigner we need to turn Filton and Bradley Stoke red for the first time. She’s a considerate, down to earth person who’s always listened intently to the concerns of local people.

I’m supporting Claire as we need a MP in Filton & Bradley Stoke who puts the needs of their constituents at the forefront of their work. We have spent the last 12 years with a MP who has in the main voted against the best interests of the majority of his constituents; the next General Election will be our opportunity to change this. We need someone who listens and cares for their constituents, the area and our future. In Claire I believe we will have exactly that person.

I met Claire for the first time at one of our canvassing sessions. From the beginning you could see the dedication for the cause and hard work she is willing to put in for the residents of Filton and Bradley Stoke. This intertwined with her extensive experience in activism and delivering change makes her a great candidate.

Claire has years of unbeatable experience of working at a national and international level to campaign and deliver for the Labour movement. She has also been extremely impressive with her dedication to local campaigning activities.
I honestly believe FaBS is lucky to have such a formidable candidate with a national profile within the Labour Party standing for selection and I know she will make an exceptional MP for Filton and Bradley Stoke.

Claire’s rooted in our shared Labour values and has more than 15 years’ experience working for our movement. Claire is empathetic and a relentless campaigner, who takes time to understand issues people face. It’s not only what Claire says, but what she does, that makes her the right person to represent Labour in FaBS.

I believe Claire can improve people’s lives here. She has the same core values as me, understands the importance of the engineering industry within FaBS that I work in, and has the capability and experience to win for Labour.