Meet Claire

I live in Stoke Gifford and am from a family of teachers, NHS workers and RAF service members – their sense of public service runs deep in me. 

I’m an experienced campaigner and changemaker. For 17 years, I’ve brought people together to shape and achieve change that they believe in – locally, nationally and internationally.

Committed local campaigner

I knock on doors all year round listening to fellow residents across our 15 communities in our constituency. I’ve already represented local people about the impact of underfunded schools, unreliable public transport, crime and more in the media. 

I’ve also had our challenges accessing NHS dentists and with reliable and affordable childcare raised in the House of Commons on our behalf by other Labour MPs in the absence of this.

I’m also an active local charity trustee, where I use my experience and track record in effective community engagement to help people access support and community across South Gloucestershire and Bristol.

As your new MP, I will work every day to deliver for you, serving as an active, impactful and approachable MP you can be proud of.

From Activist to Leading Campaigner

Working my way up from an activist on the Make Poverty History campaign in 2005 – where I first saw politics for what it can be at its best, an unparalleled fore for good – to a director shaping and leading campaigns, that golden thread of people-powered political change has been at the heart of everything I do. 

With a track record in changing policy and lives, bolstered by a Master’s degree in Public Policy, I am well placed to do even more of this in Parliament. I am ready to hit the ground running as your MP.

I’ve worked for well-known international development, housing and environment charities, and on UK and US election campaigns. I’ve brought people together, campaigned and won to get more affordable homes built in the UK, and to bring electricity to 50 million of the world’s poorest people for the first time.

Putting People’s Voices at the Heart of Change

In my work now, I help local and regional government across the country to better engage with the people they represent when making big decisions. This includes running citizens’ assemblies – I led the team who ran the UK’s first regional citizens’ assembly on the climate emergency – and making sure that the voices of people who are too often underrepresented are heard on issues that matter to them. 

This is the better politics I believe in, and the hard work and commitment you can always expect from me as your first Labour MP.